We will be emailing everyone membership dues invoice via Paypal. You don’t need to be a Paypal subscriber to use it to pay for your dues via credit card. If you would like to mail your check instead, please mail it to: Korean Prosecutors Association, 556 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 352, Pasadena, CA 91105.

In celebration of our past 10 years, you will be receiving a blue, YETI coffee mug with a lid. This is only applicable to KPA regular members and associate members who pay full dues (NOT applicable those who pay discounted COVID-19 dues). For those receiving the discounted associate membership dues of $25, you can purchase the mug for $30. Please email all request to [email protected]. We will make arrangements to send it to your KPA Chapter board member or representative in designated chapter/representative areas. For those not in these areas, we will be either mailing to you or awaiting the next live event to give it to you in person.