KPA Membership Levels

Membership Has Its Privileges

KPA is devoted to providing as much as opportunities and services to its members. We understand the financial sacrifices our members make in order to pursue a career as a public prosecutor. As such, membership dues may be waived upon specific request to the Board of Directors.

Associate Members (0 to 2 years with KPA)

To be eligible to become an Associate Member and to maintain active membership in the Association, an applicant must pay the dues (see application) and must be an active Prosecutor. “Prosecutor” shall refer to any licensed attorney employed by local, state, or federal government to represent the government in criminal cases, including, but not limited to: City Attorney/Prosecutor, District Attorney, State Attorney, U.S. Attorney, Attorney General, Solicitor General, Crown Attorney, or special prosecutor, whether such special prosecutor is assigned to prosecute or merely investigate a matter regarding a government official who is involved directly or indirectly in an alleged criminal activity. Government attorneys prosecuting regulatory offenses, members of a state bar, and civil enforcement actions are also designated as “Prosecutors.”

Regular Members (3 years and more with KPA)

To be eligible to become a Regular Member and to maintain active membership in the Association, an applicant must pay the dues (see application) and must be an active Prosecutor (as defined above in Associate Members).

Honorary Members

Prosecutors who are either elected or appointed official prosecutor of a prosecuting office or no longer active prosecutors may be elected to honorary membership by vote of the Board of Directors provided that such Prosecutors have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to advancing the goals of the Association. Honorary Members shall not pay any dues, shall not have the right to vote, and shall not be eligible to be officers or board members of the Association, but shall have all other rights of membership in the Association.

Volunteer Members

Any individual who (i) is attending law school or is a graduate of a law school, and (ii) volunteered, volunteers or commits to volunteer his or her services to any local, state, or federal Prosecutor’s office as a legal intern, law clerk, volunteer attorney, or similar position or is a paid intern or law clerk, is eligible to be a Volunteer Member. Any individual initially admitted to the Association as a Volunteer Member shall automatically cease to be a Volunteer Member upon becoming employed as a licensed attorney. Volunteer Members shall not pay any dues, shall not have the right to vote, and shall not be eligible to be officers or board members of the Association.

Admission to Membership

Any person desiring to become a Member shall file with the Association a written application for membership in such form as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Upon presentation of an application for membership, the applicant shall pay the full amount of the annual dues payable. The provisions of the immediately preceding sentence do not apply to Honorary Members or Volunteer Members.