KPA News
Racial Equality and Justice
In the wake of mass U.S. and worldwide protests demanding racial equality and justice, the Korean Prosecutors Association reconfirms its commitment to equal justice and joins the call to end racism in our society. As an organization composed primarily of prosecutors...
Anti Hate Panel CLE, Elimination of Bias 1hr credit
To register:
KPA’s 3rd Webinar: Brady Obligations
KPA’s second CLE Webinar: Supporting Victims in Domestic Violence Prosecutions
KPA presents our second CLE Webinar. You must be a paid 2020 KPA member in order to participate in this webinar. Please email [email protected] in order to receive an invoice for 2020 dues. For new members, please go to to complete your membership...
New Board of Director and Board Representative for Ontario-Canada Chapter of KPA
KPA would like to thank Helen Song for your short tenure with KPA as the Board of Director for Ontario-Canada Chapter of KPA. Due to her overwhelming schedule, she is unable to complete her term. We are excited to announce our new Board of Director, Jeanaha Kim. In...
Resources for the Community During the COV-19 Pandemic
For full version in Korean: Full version in English:
2020 KPA International Criminal Law Conference
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, KPA has changed the Conference schedule to best protect our members.
Newsletter-Spring Issue
KPA Presents MCLE Webinar Series
During this difficult period of COVID-19 pandemic, majority of our members have been telecommuting to work. We would like to take this opportunity to provide our members with CLE Webinar series via Zoom. KPA is a California State Bar approved multiple activity CLE...
Congratulations to Christina “Danbi” Choi for becoming Board Representative for Australia and New Zealand
2020 Board Retreat
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Farewell party for Jeesun Moon
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Newsletter Holiday Edition
Seminar available for the Los Angeles Area- Becoming a Judge
KPA Election Results for 2020
KPA would like to congratulate Jung Park, NY County District Attorney's Office, to our board as our 2nd New York Chapter board member. KPA would like to welcome back Sophia Choi, Riverside County Attorney, to our board.
Dinner with Korean Consulate General in GA
NY & NJ Holiday Mixer
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Dodgers Korea Night
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BBQ Summer Mixer in Cerritos, CA
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Ontario Member Mixer
Helen Song, Board Member-KPA Ontario, Canada Chapter, organizes a mixer in Toronto
NY & NJ Holiday Mixer
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Holiday Mixer in Los Angeles, CA
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Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office is hiring
NY Chapter 2nd Annual Winter Dinner
Founding Members
Baik, Jerry
Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
Cha, Robert
Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
Chang, Wonkoo
Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office
Jung, Susan
Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Kim, Dorothy
United States Attorney’s Office, Central District of California
Kim, Eileen
Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Kim, Jayne
United States Attorney’s Office, Central District of California
Kim, Joon
Pasadena City Prosecutor’s Office
Kim, Paul
Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Park, Ann H.
Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office
Shim, Woo Jung
Korean Public Prosecutor’s Office
Shin, William
California Attorney General’s Office